Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Science Projects made easy

Have you ever thought about a science project and immediately think of test tubes and a scientist with a long white lab coat, goofy glasses and a bed-head hairdo?

Most people do think of this when they think of science and when all of a sudden children are asked to do a science project you become immediately panic stricken.

Many scientists work outside with soil and water and do tests everyday using agriculture. As a matter of fact many people do science experiments daily without evening thinking about them. Have you ever put one plant at an East window and one at a North window to see which window is the best for growing your flowers? You just did a science project experiment. It was a simple project. How about planting some plants in a hanging basket and some in the ground to see how this plant thrives the best. Maybe you grow a garden and planted some seeds directly in the garden and started some inside. These are all ways people actually do science projects daily without even thinking about it. When we lose weight we are experimenting with carbs, fat grams, sugar and testing a theory on ourselves to see what combination makes excess weight come off.

Children are staying inside more and more and do not realize the importance of the agriculture around them. There are easy simple science projects that can be done with soil or plants or seeds.

Here is a simple project for children:

Get a package of seeds from a dollar store, You need 4 pots or containers, Soil or dirt, Apple juice, Milk, Vinegar, Water and dishwashing liquid, Cheap inexpensive notebook from dollar store, Marker to mark pots #1, #2, #3, #4

You ask can plants grow with other liquids than water only? Choose which one you think will work the best.

Place the soil/dirt in each of the 4 containers and plant the same number of seeds in each pot. Place the pots in the same location with the same light and temperature. Now water one pot with vinegar, Water one pot with apple juice, Water one pot with milk, Water one pot with water mixed with 1 tbsp dishwashing soap, IT'S THAT EASY! Now get your notebook and label each page with a new day. Every day record what you see from each plant and list when you water the seeds and how much. You will want to give each pot the same amount of liquid as the others so use a measuring cup. When the seeds germinate record that.

After 2 to 3 weeks explain if seeds can grow in other liquids and which liquid worked the best.


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